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SOP Management System

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Quality Management System Technical assistance
Projects Management implementation & execution

Nice to meet you!

Step-In Pharma SRL is a Romanian private owned company offering Quality and compliance consultancy in the pharmaceutical industry. We offer them to: small to large, well-established to growing pharma/medical device companies, generic/innovative; service supplier companies for pharmaceutical industry (warehouses/distributors,
CROs, call centers, regulatory/PV consultants) .

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Step in Pharma can be your partner:

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SOP Management System – dedicated for each company. A customised in line with company internal organisational chart/structure and allocation of responsibilities


ORDIN nr. 309 din 17 martie 2015 pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a titlului XIX din Legea nr. 95/2006 privind reforma in domeniul sanatatii, referitoare la avizarea activitatilor in domeniul dispozitivelor medicale